Marco Gobbi


Marco Gobbi is a visual artist and researcher born in 1985 living and working in Brescia (IT), working in the field of sculpture, installation, performance and drawing.

Visual artist and researcher born in 1985 living and working in Brescia (IT).

Usually my work begins from a mere interest in a material, a story, an object. It’s just later that I try to understand the reason of my choice. Normally it’s because there is an empty space, something missing that makes me curious about it. Through this gap I can enter into the object or into the story, to give a shape to the absence and make it mine.

During the process of the work I try to break the objective values of the materials I’m using and analyze all the components, with the purpose to find a new balance among them and a more subjective vision. Inside this process the most important element is the memory, conceived both as a recall and as a stratification of time on things. I like to think objects as maps where contained information can be open to unexpected and multiple directions.

Residencies and Education

2017 MACRO, Museo di arte Contemporanea, Rome.
2015/16 Jan van Eyck Academie (International post-academic art institute), Maastricht, the Netherlands.
2015 The Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, Austria2012/2013 Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa for the project How we dwell (make your own residence)
2013 Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia — MA degree in Visual Arts.
2009 Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia — BA degree in Painting.

Solo Shows

2024 Till the clouds roll by, Megadue, Bologna.
2022 Is it me or you?, curated by Super, MO.CA Centro per le nuove culture, Brescia.
2018 L’Augustissima, project for “Il Crepaccio Instagram Show” a cura di Caroline Corbetta, @ilcrepaccio.
2018 Alti piani, curated by Stefano Riba, Bolzano, Italy.
2016 Vibrant Vessels, AplusB Gallery, Brescia, Italy.
2014 “Hosting Marco Gobbi” curated by Progetto Host, Venice, Italy (publication).

Group Shows

2023 Il lanternista, curated by Gli Impresari with Nicola di croce, Associazione Ottava Nota, Milan. 
2023 Fondazione Malutta in Spazio, with a text of Antonio Grulli, Spazio Contemporanea, Brescia.
2023 Murmur Theory with Francesco Fonassi, curated by Edizioni Brigantino, Palazzo Marchetti, Salina, Sicily.
2022 21° Biennale Petit Format de Papier, Musée du Petit Format, Nismes, Belgium.(publication).
2021 Premio Nocivelli XIV edizione, Palazzo Martinengo Cesaresco Novarino, Brescia.
2020 The Waiting Hall, A+B Gallery, Brescia (publication).
2020 Lowlands, curated by Phroom, Office Project Room, Milan.
2020 Musée Légitime part of Game of Goose, curated by Stéphanie Saade invited by Martin La Roche, Saltz, Basel.
2019 Il disegno politico italiano, curated by Aurora Fonda and Sandro Pignotti, A plus A Gallery, Venice.
2018 Il Gemello Cattivo, project by Fondazione Malutta, Museo Santa Maria della Scala, Siena.
2018 Torre Maluttona – Mercato Babelico, project by Fondazione Malutta, Monitor Gallery, Rome.
2018 Il lanternista, curated by Angel Moya Garcia, SPE,Tenuta dello Scompiglio, Lucca.
2017 Artisti in residenza mostra finale — Marco Gobbi and Francesca Ferreri, MACRO, Rome
2017 Open studios Artisti in residenza — Marco Gobbi and Francesca Ferreri, MACRO, Rome.
2017 Passengers That Come And Go, project by Fondazione Malutta, Tulla Culture Center, Tirana.
2017 Collezione Malutta + Black Market, curated by Fondazione Malutta, Monitor Gallery, Roma.
2016 Trigger Party 1, Marsèlleria, Milan.
2016 Quotidiana 16, curated by Caterina Benvegnù, Altinate/San Gaetano, Padova. (publication).
2016 Very little be just right with Thomas Hütten, curated by Joep Vossebeld, B32, Maastricht.
2016 Open studios, Jan Van Eyck, Maastricht, Paesi Bassi. (publication).
2015 Parallaxe8 with Sam Bunn, curated by Jakob Dietrich, Memphis , Linz, Austria
2015 Biennale Giovani 3, curated by Renato Barilli, Guido Molinari and Guido Bartorelli, Museo della Città, Rimini.
2015 L’espirit de l’escalier, curated by Alice Ginaldi, Dimora Artica, Milan.
2015 Vorrei non vederti oggi per vederti tutti gli altri giorni, curated by Andrea Magnani, Franchising Mercatino, Milan.
2014 One minute of truth, Marco Gobbi, Nicola Melinelli and Sebastiano Sofia, AplusB gallery, Brescia.
2014 Biennale Giovani 3,curated by Renato Barilli, Guido Molinari and Guido Bartorelli, A.B.A Bologna.
2014 030 – 2.0 Arte da Brescia, curated by Dario Bonetta, Fabio Paris, Piccolo Miglio del Castello, Brescia.
2014 Il Giovane Sole Debole, Galleria Caterina Tognon, Venezia.
2014 Personal Foodonsale, Bologna. (publication).
2014 Evoluzione, curated by Marco Tagliafierro, Spazio Monotono, Vicenza.
2014 Se di-segno, curated by Sergia Avveduti and Irene Guzman, Padiglione Esprit Nouveau, Bologna.
2013 Borsisti della 96ma Colletiva, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice.(publication
2013 Il Crepaccio / Da Venezia a Porta Venezia, curated by Caroline Corbetta, Il Crepaccio, Milan.
2013 Padiglione Crepaccio at, curated by Caroline Corbetta, Ca’ Soranzo, Venice.
2013 La Materia, Premio Stonefly, curated by Marco Tagliafierro, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice.

Design Another Studio, 2024. All images Marco Gobbi. Read the privacy policy here.